The Dennis Henneke Foundation (DHF) was established in 2016 as a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization with the mission to honor the memory and continue the legacy and generous spirit of Dennis Henneke. Dennis was especially passionate for mentoring and helping others. The DHF was set up to help people pursue their passion and achieve their goals through education, as well as helping those in need in our community.
Board Members
Gene Henneke, P.E. - Chairman & President
Jason Gillespie - Vice President & Event Planning Chair
Molly Gillespie - Treasurer
Audrey Hagemann, CPA - Co-Treasurer
Jennifer Haertig - Secretary
Greg (Topo) Padilla - Public Relations
Brian Hagemann - Event Planning Co-Chair
Roger Tumlinson - Event Entertainment Chair
Jeff Gillespie - Fundraising Committee Chair
Lawrence LaFrance - Fundraising Committee Co-Chair
1st Place in Portland 5K Run!
DHF Board Memebers at 1st Annual Skeet Shoot
(Audrey Hagemann not pictured)
(Roger Tumlinson not pictured)
(Topo Padilla and Roger Tumlinson not pictured)